Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hello Saturday

Hello bitches, how goes it? Good, awesome sauce! 

Its been one hell of a long saturday, and its barely nine. Its not even over yet! BOO!

What did i do today...?? 
I spent money on my daughter, BABIES R US SALES are fucking amazing! $4 rompers, forreals! WINNING! 
We also had to get her a play pen...why your ask.... because this kid rolls EVERYWHERE, and I've got a hard tile kitchen floor. Since she has not perfected crawling, she'll smack her face right into the ground, Im not trying to go to the hospital cause my baby busted her nose on the ground, and then have them calling CPS on me. Fuck that shit! This is her new play pen, cute shit right (: Momma got good taste. We wont get it till late  next week tho. ): 
 Also tonight we went bowling, and I must say, My college bowling course, and virtual kinnect bowling has really paid off! LOL, cause I kicked ASS! I owned my bitches! They were mad! lol. Went with two of my hookers, and there two daughters. Heres some flix....

 Kyla (5 yr/o)
 Vivi (10 yr/o)
 Zelle Belle's first time at a bowling Alley >__< 

 She was really trying to get this hookers tattoo! 
 Kyla and I smooth chillin
 Mini Meee

 This lil nugget loves her some cup LOL

  My hooker V With Zelley

 My Sista from anotha mista 
 I Rock Them shits! 

More of us --

Bowling was fun, Got my mind off all the shitty shit thats poppin off in my life. Merp. 
Tomorrow Is another long shift at work, accept I get to work on the track with the boys (not that exciting really) The best part is fucking yelling at little tricks, but its going to be HOTT AS SHIT outside, and Ive got a midday shift, shed that weight baybeee! HAHAHAHA

I will leave you with this
My big Girl Getting GOOD at sitting up. Proud mama! 

Dueces Hookers! 


1 comment:

  1. LOL, i took a class in college, thats how studious i was! :P i also virtual bowl. Kinnect how awesome are you! lol! <<--- No life
